Ever since Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman times, it has been believed that sexual activity should be avoided before indulging in any strenuous physical activity, workout sessions, or training. It is widely assumed that one should refrain from engaging in sweaty and intense work out in between linens, sometimes weeks before the main event. So, why is pre-workout sex regarded as such a ‘forbidden indulgence’ by many sportsmen prior to the final event or maybe even before a workout? And does this genuinely hold true, or is there any supporting reasoning behind it? This section throws light on the reasons behind these proscriptions.
Numerous studies have concluded that post-workout intercourse is disadvantageous. The very first connection to know about when it comes to sex and muscle building is the connection it has with your strength levels. If you’ve ever taken notice of yourself, most people will find that immediately after sex they feel very relaxed and often want to fall asleep. At this stage, the body is producing a large amount of oxytocin, which works to relax you and may lead you to feel somewhat lower than before the intercourse. This relaxing period might not last long, and you will return to your normal hormone levels in the body, but the take-home lesson is that attempting a training session right after having consensual sex may not be the greatest option.
Another most critical connection between sex and muscle building for men is the zinc status within the body. Zinc is produced in the sperm whenever a guy experiences an orgasm. Zinc is a vital component essential for healthy sperm growth and development, and when levels are low, infertility is common. Furthermore, because zinc is intimately linked to general libido, it plays a significant role in muscular building. When zinc levels in the body are low, there is a noticeable decrease in sexual desire as well as problems in building additional lean muscle mass. Because zinc is lost during orgasm, if you have sex on a regular basis but do not replenish it via your diet, you are quite prone to develop a zinc deficit.
Ultimately, the last consequence of sex on muscle growth will be your concentration. You must keep focus both inside and outside of the gym to attain the greatest results. In certain extreme circumstances, if you become overly focused on sexual activity, you may prioritize it above regular gym sessions, which will have a significant influence on your overall outcomes. Obviously, this is an extreme example, and most individuals will have no issue keeping a proper balance between the two, but if you believe you are approaching an unhealthy balance, it is worth strongly contemplating.
Nonetheless, hormone levels are crucial for any strenuous physical activity, particularly those involving aggressiveness and force. Anything that may lower your testosterone levels before exercising or participating in sports should thus be avoided. Despite common belief, experts are divided on whether or not abstaining from sex helps improve T-levels in males. According to research published in the World Journal of Urology, males exhibited greater T-levels after refraining from intercourse for three weeks. Conversely, research has noted a study done on 12 physically active males who completed multiple lower body strength training activities after 12 hours of either engaging or not engaging in sex and published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Sex had no effect on peak or average KE or knee flexion torque, according to the findings.
And these problems were just about happy, consensual sexual relations. Don’t get me started on non-consensual, painful, or unpleasant sex, which may cause severe emotional distress, physical injuries, and other health issues. These emotional constraints then carried forward to the workout sessions might lead to over-exertion to overcome anger and further the anxiety.
Now, this does not mean you should forbid having intercourse. Sex is undoubtedly a very important part of our daily routine. Consider allowing at least 3-4 hours for hormones to return to normal and for you to regain strength and energy after you indulged in pleasure activities. For many people, their workouts are directly tied to their desire to become more sexually appealing as they work out for a large part to look good for members of the opposite gender. So in order to avoid any strength lacking and promote the chances of frequent intercourse they should plan their schedule more vigilantly.
Bearing everything in mind, most scientists and sportsmen still concur on one aspect. Having sex just before exercising out is not the best idea. This is due to the fact that sex has a significant influence on heart rate, effort, and recuperation, which can contribute to difficulty focusing as well as weariness and exhaustion. Even most professional athletes would agree that abstaining from sexual activities at least 48 hours before a competition is the greatest thing an athlete can do. Therefore, the very next time you wonder what effect sex has on your muscle-building attempts, keep these ideas in mind. The good news is that those who do take a more active role in regular workouts and maintain a good diet are far more likely to be healthy and thus experience fewer sexual problems such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, so you won’t have to worry about either of those impacting your overall ability to perform in bed.
To conclude, balance is crucial in life, and as long as you accomplish it, you would have no worries about having a fulfilling sex life whilst making the most out of your muscle-building endeavors at the fitness center.