5 Morning Exercises That Can Make Your Day Go Well

The morning hours are the best time where there is a less traffic of phone calls, messages and work load in the to-do list. With a quite environment, one can begin their day with few exercises which help to stay active all the day. It is less chaotic and disturbance is very minimum during the morning hours. That is why it is preferably the best time for burning down some calories and start up the day with great energy and peaceful mind. An early morning exercise can have positive and lasting effects for the entire day. Celebrity fitness expert Ridge Davis said that, “exercise helps build your endurance and ability to handle stress, the less stress you have, the more energy you have to use for your day.”

In addition to boosting energy and reducing stress, morning exercise also benefits body’s internal and external functions. Along with that regular morning exercise can also enhance the sleeping habits.

Below given are some of the exercises that can be tried out to get the best result for the body.

  • Warm-ups: Body warm up is very important to activate the mechanism. Warm-up exercises includes stretching (hand stretching, leg stretching, quads, hamstrings, hips, shoulders and triceps) and few cardio movements like high knee runs or jumping jacks to get the heart rate going.
  • Vrikshasana or Tree pose:  Attaining a proper tree pose needs proper balance which comes from the core. A tree posture helps to increase balance and stability throughout the day. This standing pose or tree pose is also known as Vrikshasana in yoga. This asana is said to be the perfect starting for a morning exercise. The benefit of this yoga asana is that it helps to concentrate and helps the mind to focus. For getting into a perfect vrikshasana, one need to stand straight, both feet together and shoulder relaxed, shift the weight of the body to the right feet and lift the left feet from the floor. Bend the left knee and place it inside of right thigh. Once the legs are stable, the arms should be in prayer position in front of the chest.
  • Dead Bug: Dead bug helps to burn up fats and build strong core strength. It also prevents from back pain. To perform this exercise lay down on the floor with the back support and bend the knees, feet flat on the floor. Arms should be straight and the hands should point towards the up, hands should be parallel to each other and fist should face each other. The main goal is to keep the lower back firmly pressed to the floor. Lift right straight up in the air and parallel to the floor and slowly bring down to the initial position. Similarly, raise the left leg and slowly bring down to the initial position. Repeat it.
  • Squats: Squats can be performed to improve movement of the body. Those who have a issue with knee, back or hip should avoid these exercises. Begin with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hips and ankles should be facing outwards, legs should not be more widen than shoulder width. With the chest up and thighs parallel push butt backward and attain stability with core strength, hold in the position for minimum 5 seconds and come back to the starting position. Relax and report for 10 to 15 reps.
  • Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation: It is a practice in yoga with a sequence of 12 asana which are linked to each other. It is considered as one of the best morning exercise. The first step of surya namaskar is Pranamasana (stand at the edge of the mat, keep feet together, bring both the arms together in front of the chest in prayer position. The second step is Hastauttanasana ( lift arms up and back , stretch the body up from the heels to the tips of the fingers). The third step is Hastapadasana (breathe out, bend forward and put the hands down on the floor keeping the knee straight). The fourth step is  Ashwa Sanchalanasana (breathe in and push the right leg back, bring the left knee to the floor and look upward). The fifth step is Dandasana ( breathe in and take the left leg back , let the body attain a straight line and put the body weight on both the hands on floor;  Arms should be perpendicular to the floor). The sixth step is Ashtanga Namaskara ( drop the knees on the floor and exhale, move hips up and slide forward, rest chest and chin on the floor; Two hands, two feets, two knees, chin and chest should touch the floor). The seventh step is Bhujangasana (slide forward and raise chest by keeping elbows bent and both the legs should rest on floor; body weight are transferred to the hands). The eighth step is Adho Mukha Svanasana ( lift the hips so the body attains mountain shape or inverted V shape. The ninth step is Ashwa Sanchalanasana ( similar as the fourth step, the only difference here is instead of right leg , left leg should be pushed back here and right knee on the floor ). The tenth step is Hastapadasana ( similar as the third step). The eleventh step is Hastauttanasana (similar as the second step). The last step is Tadasana ( exhale and straighten  the body  and rest the shoulders and relax in this posture.


                 Practicing Surya Namaskar on a regular basis helps to maintain the cardiovascular health, helps to stretch and tone muscles, burns fat for the entire body, strengthen immune system, improves the overall health and relaxes the mind.

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